Sunday, December 16, 2007

The finish line approacheth

Larry's Cabled Cashmere Pullover for DH
Either Friday or Saturday night, I had a sewing and ends-weaving-in marathon and finished the damn thing. PHEW. That was a whole lotta ends, and it sucked hard. But I ploughed through it, and the only thing remaining to do before I consider this officially 'done' is to block it. Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother, because it looks pretty good now. However, a fair bit of the front and sleeves were made using yarn that had been previously used for the smaller size that I started with, so it was all kinky. And unfortunately, it knitted up kinkily (is that even a word?), so it needs a good soak to relax. I'll give you pictures when I've done that and it's looking right.

Trouble is, I have no idea where or when I'm going to block this damn thing. I was thinking of bringing it over to my mom's when I drop my older daughter over at her place on Tuesday (they're getting together to make a gingerbread house, very exciting stuff) and blocking it there, but my mom said today that she's planning to pick DD1 I don't know. I think I might call my mom back when DH isn't around and rearrange that plan.

Herdis for niece
Finally finished up the sewing and ends-weaving on Tuesday. I think it came out great:



button detail

gusset detail

I like it. Wednesday morning I sent it out to my niece, along with her Christmas presents, and it should be there early this week. DONE!

Pixie Outfit for DD1's doll
Last night I sewed on the buttons, so this is complete!

Lacy Ribs Scarf
After finishing off three projects, I found myself kind of at loose ends for something to do. I do have one more Christmas project to finish, but I'm procrastinating because I am SO tired of finishing, and that's what's left to do on the last Christmas project. I want to KNIT, dammit. So I turned back to this project. As planned, I ripped out everything I'd done and re-did it with one fewer pattern repeat width-wise. I kept going, and once again used up the whole ball. It looks good, is about as long as I'd expect half a scarf to be, and now all I need is to back to the yarn shop and get the second ball I need to finish the thing. Alas, it is incredibly snowy here, and although I succumbed to lunacy and actually went out to the shop in this weather, I discovered that the owner was far more wise about the elements than I, and had stayed home and left the shop closed up. So I'll have to wait until later this week to get ball #2.

A Very Harlot Poncho for moi
Once I could go no further on the scarf project, I went hunting through my knitting project baskets and dredged this up. Then it occurred to me that I might enjoy it a little better if I wasn't knitting it on a circular needle with horrible joins. So I switched to my Denise Interchangeables, and oh...the difference was like night and day. The stitches slide across the joins like budda. So I'm moving along on it really quickly now.

Something for Raymond
This past week, one of my best friends called up with the staggeringly joyous news that they have a little boy in their home now that they are fostering-to-adopt. I am delighted for her and her family. Naturally, I must knit the child something as a welcome gift, but it has to be perfect. I suppose I could whip up some lovely sweaters, or something, but I thought a cosy blanket would be much more personal. Blankets also have more potential to be cherished objects that make children feel safe, which I figured would be very important for this little tyke. Plus, I really want to knit my mitred corners blanket pattern again to work out the kinks in the instructions, because I think I'm going to submit it to Knitty. (I know that they don't ordinarily bother publishing blanket patterns, but this one has a very nifty and unique construction, which might be enough of a 'hook' to motivate Amy to publish it. We shall see.)

So! I shall be doing my mitred blanket pattern for this little boy. I want to use the 10 balls of royal purple Patons Astra that I picked up from the LYS at their sale this summer. Unfortunately, I've calculated the yardage I would need, and the 10 balls will not be enough. So I have to see if the LYS has two more balls in the same dyelot. Please cross your fingers for me.

1 comment:

Carrie K said...

Herdis is gorgeous! I'm sure your niece will be delighted. Yay for finishing DH's sweater! Call your mom back. Blocking is hard to hide.

Congratulations to Raymond's new parents! The baby blanket sounds fab.