Thursday, September 06, 2012

The story so far

  • Kids are back at school; DD1 with several new pairs of pants for the fall. They love school. DD1 is finding her new school very much to her liking, and DD2 is simply giddy with happiness, she loves it so much.
  • With hemmed pants and a decently-loaded PRESTO card in hand, I went back to work today. It went well, other than the fact that I was woefully underslept (thank you, DD3) and got a nasty headache towards the end of the day. Most of the day was spent just reorienting myself, most of which involved getting my computer and software set up and starting to catch up on a year's backlog of emails.
  • To my great surprise and intense R E L I E F, DD3 is now loving daycare. In fact, when DH picked up her up this evening, she cried and clung to the daycare provider. (You can imagine how wonderful this made DH feel.) Also, her cold is clearing up.
  • The sample for the upcoming design proposal deadline is going well, I'm working on it on my commute.
  • The sample for the upcoming submission deadline is now DUNZO! Hooray! Just need to do a photoshoot now. (That'll be this weekend.) And yarn support arrived for another submission deadline. It is fabulous, and my brain has been trying to come up with all kinds of excuses for casting on immediately. My sense of scheduling has had to speak very severely to myself to forestall this. However, now that I'm finished the submission sample and doing well on the proposal sample, I'm at much more liberty to get started on the new project.
  • Taxes are now very well in progress. In fact, all that's left is for me and DH to figure out all our small business numbers. (Mine won't take long; his he says are in good shape to get done fairly quickly. We shall see.)

I may yet make it. And you may yet see project photos again one of these days.

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