Saturday, April 23, 2011

Feeling human again

The last two times I was pregnant, I came into contact with people with all manner of colds and flus. Each time, I thought I was sunk - I was going to get sick, and have to be miserable without the benefit of being able to take any medication to make me feel better. But no! I never, ever got sick when I was pregnant.

Until now.

This time around, my immunity pregnancy mojo is gone. Toast. Consequently, I am only now almost completely bounced back from a multiple-week stretch of what can only be described as "bleargh".

Not a whole lot of knitting got done during the worst of it, and as you can tell, I was not at all moved to do any blogging. However, with better health came more knitting motivation, and I've been getting a fair bit done since.

Secret sample thing
I can't really talk about this, but I am pretty excited about it. Proposal submission deadline is coming up fast, and I need to hustle a bit more than I've been doing. Sadly, though, I keep getting distracted by things like...

Federation uniform costume for baby #3
I've been wanting to hold off on knitting a whole lot of stuff for this baby. I only have so much time to devote to baby knitting, and so each project for it needs to be something that I really want to do. And frankly, there's a whole whack of really awesome girly patterns out there that I've been itching to do, and what better recipient than my own child? However, we are not finding out the sex beforehand, so I wasn't planning to do a whole lot of knitting for the baby until after it's born.

But a few weeks ago, I started thinking forward a bit and realising that the baby is going to need a Hallowe'en costume. :) And geek that I am, what could be better than a Starfleet uniform? I've had my eye on Sara Swärd's "Star Trek Junior" pattern for quite some time, and this was the perfect excuse. It does get a little tricky when you join the legs together, but I eventually worked it out. Here are my progress shots so far:

In progress, 2011-04-10

In progress, 2011-04-23

Coach Cardi for baby Johnston
I am not the only person in my office who's expecting. One of my colleagues is about two weeks ahead of me with her first baby. It's very exciting, and I've been mulling over what to do for her. One serious contender was Browneyedbabs' "tall tiger" pattern (it looks like Hobbes), but then I checked out her Facebook info (yeah, I stalked her online, so sue me, it was in a good cause) and discovered that she's interested in fashion, jewelry, etc. So I thought, heck, why not start her baby off early with expensive tastes. :) I whipped up a chart for a texture pattern and started a cardigan:

In progress, 2011-04-23

What do you think?

Feather and fan charity set
And finally, finally, this week I got back out to my LYS' bi-weekly charity knit night for the first time in about a month and a half. Not only that, but I finished up both the scarf and hat that I'd been working on since last fall.

Here's the scarf:

Finished, 'in action'

Finished, 3/4 view

Finished, pattern closeup

And here's the hat:

Finished, side view

Finished, 3/4 view

Finished, top view

No specific pattern, I just kind of whipped them up. They're roughly tween-sized. I've got yarn left over, so next time I'll probably start on some matching mittens.


Unknown said...

I realize this is from 5 years ago, but do you remember how you figured out joining the legs? I'm losing my mind!

Unknown said...
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