Saturday, December 26, 2009

I made it

Challah cover for DD1's teacher
Well, unfortunately I was right that there was no way I could capture the lovely sparkliness of the metallic thread in the embroidery, especially without any natural daylight to help me out (I finished the project at night and had to wrap it before the sun came up the next morning). However, I tried:

Completed, flat
lying flat

artistic angle

The teacher was apparently very pleased with it, and in fact said she didn't actually have a challah cover (I guess she's been using cloth table napkins or something), and that she would use it that very evening for her Channukah dinner. Now that is the sort of news that brings warmth to a knitter's heart, I tell ya.

Mi escuelita for Devangi
There was intense panic in the days leading up to Christmas because there was no way I was going to be able to finish the cardigan with just six balls (unless I wanted a cardigan without a collar), and could not find the seventh damn ball. However, about 24 hours before I had to have this finished, I finally found it wedged right at the bottom of one of the pockets of my bag. The relief I felt cannot be adequately described. At any rate, I got right to work and finished the next night:

Completed, front

Completed, back

Scarf for BIL#1
Possibly most last-minute of all was this project, which still had about four feet to go on Christmas Eve morning. I took it to work with me and got a goodly amount done on the train going to work. However, what I very stupidly failed to do was take the third ball of yarn with me. This meant that, while I was a) waiting for two hours for some photos to be processed and b) taking a very long bus ride back home, I could not finish off the scarf because I had run out of yarn about half an hour into my wait for the photos. A thousand curses on my idiocy.

Fortunately, it didn't take me long once I got back home to finish it off. DD1 helped, she did the very last row. :) Then I showed her how to cast off, and we took this shot:

Completed, 'in action'
(yes, it's huge; he wanted it huge)

DD1 had done up a very nice picture in crayon of her and I knitting together, so I scanned it, added some wording, and printed it out on photo paper so we could add it as a hang tag. It was really well-received. I think he's going to enjoy wearing it for a long time.

So, hooray! Another successfully knitted holiday season. Next time I'll flash my new stash acquisitions. :)

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