Monday, December 13, 2004




11 days to finish my Christmas knitting. And not one of the two sweaters I'm making has even one completed sleeve. Fortunately, hubby took pity on me this weekend and spent a lot of time with DD so I could do nothing but panic knit.

Also this weekend, I was able to scan and upload a number of photos of finished projects. You will be able to see them by checking out my list of completed projects. Unfortunately, I haven't installed my graphics software in my new computer yet, so I did no edits whatsoever on the new photos before uploading them to the blog. This means that they are not properly cropped, and I think the Hello software automatically shrank them (badly), so really, none of them are any great shakes to look at. I will have to redo them all, but in the meantime, you can get a general idea of what some of my past projects look like.

Catherine Parr sweater for MIL
Glory be, I've only got 14 more rows of the sleeve shaping left to do. I'm pretty sure I won't have to knit very much after that (if at all) to reach desired sleeve length, so with any luck I'll be casting off the sleeves and starting to sew this sucker together soon. I will still have the neck and the blocking to do after that, but the end is definitely in sight.
Stornaway sweater for BIL (cream)
Most of my focus this weekend was MIL's Christmas sweater, so this project took a back seat. However, I still managed to get a few inches on the first sleeve done. I'm very close to finishing off the underarm gusset. However, this also means that it's getting harder and harder to stretch the sleeve stitches around my circular. I've started doing the Magic Loop thing to compensate, but really the circular isn't long enough for that. I expect things will get better as I decrease even more stitches to taper the sleeve towards the cuff.

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